Men’s counselling and mental health treatment online

A safe space for men to address emotional challenges, build resilience, and improve relationships. Our experienced counsellors offer personalised support and practical tools.

Many men think they can handle things on their own and avoid talking about how they are feeling to their mates or loved ones. Males are also less likely to go to their GP for health checks until something is wrong. The reasons why men put these things off are varied but often stem from the stereotypes we are taught of ‘what a real man’ should and shouldn’t think, feel, do or say. These unhelpful social norms about masculinity are extremely harmful to the physical and mental health of men. Not to mention damaging to families and communities.

In Australia, one in every eight men will experience depression, one in every five will experience anxiety in their lives, and on average seven Australian men die by suicide each day. These statistics are alarming and the reason why men need to take their health seriously and start talking.

Men’s counselling online is an effective treatment for improving men’s mental health and overall well-being. Online therapy for men is available at Kind Mind Psychology via video or phone and is a great way to begin your journey to improving your mental health.  Book now to secure a time that suits you.

Why is men's mental health ignored?

Men’s mental health has been ignored over the years due to the idea that men are ‘weak’ or ‘not a real man’ if they admit they are struggling. How many times have you heard ‘boys don’t cry’ or ‘only girls cry’? Despite these ideas being untrue, boys have grown up hearing and believing these messages causing them to try to carry the load on their own, making things much worse by bottling things up. The fact is we are all human, and we all have feelings!

It is only recently that men are starting to speak up about their feelings and helping their mates with speaking up too thanks to R U OK days and other mental health awareness initiatives. But more needs to be done to support men through difficult times and to help them reach their full potential.

Online counselling for men with Kind Mind Psychology is extremely accessible and a convenient way for men to reach out for the support they need to treat mental health issues. 

Why men's counselling is important

The impact of untreated mental health issues on men’s lives can be devastating. For example, untreated depression or anxiety can cause men to isolate themselves to the point where they may not be able to work, might self-medicate by using and abusing substances to cope, or at worse take their own lives. The impact on their loved ones, families and the whole community can be devastating. The pressures of untreated mental health issues on a marriage or relationship can be catastrophic and many domestic and family violence issues stem from untreated mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, addiction or other disorders. 

How to know if you need counselling?

We all go through tough times in our lives and you do not have to handle these times on your own. When these difficult times seem to be ‘taking over’ how you are feeling most days, you may be going through your own mental health crisis. 

It is important to seek help if you are experiencing any of the following: 

  • Changes in sleeping patterns i.e., oversleeping or insomnia.

  • Changes in appetite i.e., overeating or loss of appetite.

  • Mood swings of anger and or sadness.

  • Constant worrying and feeling on edge.

  • Racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, nausea, headaches or dizziness.

  • Anger outbursts.

  • Isolating yourself from your social networks. 

  • Thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

Engaging with a psychologist who is highly trained in this area will help you to understand your needs and provide you with practical tools to get you back to feeling like you again.

Types of mental health treatment for men

There are many different evidence-based treatment approaches offered by our psychologists at Kind Mind Psychology. These approaches depend on your diagnosis and what is recommended according to the current research. For instance:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is used to treat depression and anxiety. This approach addresses thoughts that impact on emotions and behaviours and ways to restructure these thoughts when they are unhelpful to our mental health. This approach is very effective in the treatment of men’s mental health.

  • Schema Therapy is an effective treatment in men’s mental health as it explores any unmet core emotional needs from childhood which continue to be triggered during adulthood and cause us to replay unhelpful patterns in our lives and relationships.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a mindful approach to men’s mental health and focuses on observing unhelpful thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Instead of challenging or restructuring these thoughts, ACT teaches you to be ‘present’ instead and then choose to behave in line with our core values to improve our lives and relationships. 

Benefits of online and telehealth counselling for men

It is comforting to know that research into the effectiveness of online therapy on treatment outcomes is consistently finding similar results to that of face-to-face therapy with some added benefits. For instance, online therapy saves time and hassles with travelling and parking at a clinic, seeing the same psychologist each appointment no matter where either of you may move to, the convenience and comfort of attending therapy sessions in your own home or office, as well as more flexible appointment times and dates. All these benefits as well as upholding the professional standards of confidentiality and privacy.

Book an online consultation

Are you struggling with emotional challenges, feeling overwhelmed, or looking to improve your relationships?
Our online men's counselling services offer a confidential and supportive space to address your unique needs. Our experienced psychologists can help you develop coping strategies, build resilience, and find healthier ways to manage stress. Take the first step towards positive change today.

FAQs about men’s counselling

  • Yes, since 2020 (COVID-19 pandemic) more research has been conducted into the effectiveness and safety of online therapy with very consistent results. Treatment success is mostly determined by the relationship between the client and the therapist and not whether they are in the same room together which is good news for Kind Mind Psychology, which is a 100% online psychology practice

  • It is easy, just click on the link to book an appointment date and time that suits you. You will receive an intake form to complete and a unique meeting link to your session. All you have to do is click on this meeting link at the time of your appointment to begin your session with your psychologist. 

  • Yes, all the same confidentiality and privacy standards apply in online therapy as in face-to-face therapy. Just make sure you are in a safe and private room when you attend to protect your confidentiality.  It is important to plan for a time and place where you can have the privacy needed without distractions. 

  • Sessions are approximately 45 – 60 minutes in duration. 

    How much does a counselling session and can I get a Medicare rebate?

    Sessions cost $195 and this cost is brought down if you have a mental health care plan (MHCP) from a GP or other medical specialist. If you do not have a MHCP, your private health insurer may cover some of this cost. 

    Do you provide support between sessions?

    Kind Mind Psychology does not offer crisis support. Please contact  ‘000’ or mental help helplines (see below) if you cannot book a time in enough time to meet with your psychologist.