Telehealth Mental Health Services

Access professional mental health care from the comfort of your home with our telehealth services. Our qualified Australian psychologists provide secure and confidential video consultations addressing various mental health concerns.

Being able to tell your story can ease the pain…

Being heard can make all the difference


Our Online Mental Health Services


Addiction issues can be varied and can be a result of masking unmet needs or emotions. Often addictions are the product of avoiding difficult memories, thoughts or feelings and once these are addressed, addictions can be managed more effectively.

Anger Management

Anger can become a big problem in our lives and often we are unsure of its origin. Anger management therapy can help understand your emotions and how to control them instead of them controlling you, improving your relationships and lifestyle.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety can be experienced as physical symptoms i.e., headaches, dizziness, nausea, sweating or heart palpitations (to name a few) or through excessive worries and thoughts of danger and usually causes us to avoid triggers, people or situations adding to the cycle of anxiety.

Major Depressive Disorder

Some signs of depression include low mood, low motivation, Increase or reduction in appetite, fatigue or insomnia, lack of libido, lack of enjoyment in previously enjoyed activities, aches and pains, thoughts of suicide, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Eating Disorders

Some signs of eating disorders include: restricting calories and diet, over-eating, binging on food, purging, laxative overuse, excessively exercising, fatigue, excessive thoughts about gaining weight, changes in social interactions, low self-esteem and comparing body shape, weight and size unfavourably to others.

Perinatal Mental Health.

One in five mothers and one in ten fathers will experience Perinatal depression or anxiety causing excessive sadness, anxiousness, guilt or numbness. These symptoms usually cause the parent to withdraw from her partner and either withdraw or over-protect their child creating disconnection and stress. Therapy can help to address the causes and any underlying beliefs or factors maintaining distress.

Grief and Loss

Grief and bereavement are normal and can be experienced differently and there is no ‘right way’ to grieve the loss of a loved one. Some factors that may cause grief to become complicated include the way they passed away, the relationship with the loved one and regrets or blame experienced by survivors.

Men’s Counselling

Men traditionally have found it harder to reach out for help in the past due to unrealistic social expectations. If you are a man having mental health difficulties understand you are not alone and seeking help does not make you ‘less of a man’ it actually makes you braver, there is help for you, and you deserve self-compassion.

People who identify as LGBTI.

In spite of progress made in our society for acceptance, LGBTI people are still more prone to experience ‘minority stress’ – the stigma, prejudice and discrimination which creates for a more hostile and stressful social environment (Meyer, 2003). Increasing the risk of mental health issues in this group. Book now.

Health and Wellness.

Research shows that if our Physical Health is suffering then usually so too is our Mental Health and vice versa. By reducing stress and improving positive coping strategies both physical and mental health can improve. Book now.

Life Transitions.

Some changes in life are expected and bring with them excitement and some can be unexpected i.e., loss of a loved one, unexpected pregnancy/miscarriage or divorce, causing distress and chaos to our lives. As humans, we are quite adaptable, however some transitions in life can trigger extreme discomfort causing problems within our relationships, work or personal life. Book now.

Low Self-esteem.

Self-esteem or Self-worth is an important psychological factor, it is how we see ourselves in comparison to others. Our self-esteem is constructed in childhood and can be altered depending on our experiences throughout our lives. Low self-esteem can impact negatively on all areas of our lives, resulting in poor lifestyle choices or tolerating destructive or abusive relationships. Alternatively, excessively high self-esteem is linked to other problems i.e., inability to learn from others or feeling a sense of entitlement. Therefore, a balanced self-esteem which is realistic but positive is ideal to improve mental health outcomes. Book now.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Some signs of OCD include: irrational and reoccurring intrusive thoughts or visions which cause distress and anxiety, repetitive compulsive behaviours – hand washing, tapping or checking and/or mental rituals performed to attempt to reduce the anxiety, rigid mental rules enforcing these thoughts and behaviours. A significant amount of time is spent on these thoughts and behaviours for the affected person and episodes of depression are common in OCD. Book now.

Older Adult Mental Health.

Older adult groups face a wide range of difficulties which can impact on their mental health. Research has shown 1 in 4 older adults will experience mental health problem i.e., depression, anxiety, or dementia. It is never too late to learn positive coping skills to improve well being and lifestyle. Book now.

Bipolar Affective Disorder

Bipolar can be a serious mood disorder characterized by cycling between euphoric/manic mood and depressed mood. When experiencing euphoric moods the sufferer may participate in risky or impulsive behaviours, require less sleep and think and speak more rapidly than usual. This is usually followed by periods of depression. These mood episodes can last for a few days to a few months and can vary in degree of either mood.


Personal Life Coaching.

By identifying and addressing limiting core beliefs through professional counselling, you can reach your full potential and reach your desired life goals. Book now.

Sleep Disorders.

Sleep problems should not be ignored, they can affect our energy and tolerance levels, cognitive abilities and overall emotional well being. If left untreated can lead to more serious psychological and physical problems. Book now.

Stress Management.

Stress is inevitable at times however prolonged periods of stress can have serious implications on psychological functioning. Stress can affect our physical health by inhibiting our immune system. Corona virus has been responsible for additional stress to most people across the world and while we cannot solve this problem (yet) there are ways to manage the stress that it brings to our lives. Book now.



Trauma can be experienced personally, witnessed or learned (vicarious trauma) resulting in feelings of hopelessness, numbness, denial, anxiety and sadness. Traumatic events cause the victim to question everything they believed or assumed about safety and trust. Therapy to process these events and gain a sense of safety and security again is imperative to treating trauma. Book now.

Women’s Counselling.

In our society, women are often caring for many people often neglecting their own needs in the process. Issues which are common for women include stress, anxiety and depression not to mention other health problems which arise due to stress and ageing. It is important to care for yourself otherwise, let’s face it, how can you effectively care for others? Book now.

Work Stress.

Constant changes to our work environments, more pressure to perform and unhealthy cultures in workplaces can cause or add to work stress. If untreated this stress can lead to ‘burn-out’ or other serious psychological problems. Book now.

Adult ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is not limited to childhood; it can persist into adulthood causing difficulties in many areas of the adults life. ADHD individuals have observable differences in certain brain structures and functions. Adult ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental condition influenced by genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors, affecting your brain’s executive functioning - your ability to self-regulate and control thoughts, words, behaviours and emotions. ADHD is characterised by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interferes with daily functioning and quality of life.